Platte River Paint Out Memorial Event • Honoring Jana Van Housen & Ernie Ochsner

A plein air painting and photography fundraising event honoring Jana Van Housen and Ernie Ochsner.
Let’s celebrate and immerse ourselves in the nature and landscapes that inspired the art and photos of Jana Van Housen and Ernie Ochsner.
This is a fundraising event to support Bader Park and Prairie Plains Resource Institute. The registration profits will be donated to Bader Park to honor Jana Van Housen and to Prairie Plains Resource Institute to honor Ernie Ochsner.
There is no additional fee or commission to sell art at the Sunday Artist Showcase & Sale. Artist will be responsible for accepting payments, collecting and paying state sales tax. There is no city tax.
Artists' Participation
Artists from various backgrounds and skill levels are invited to participate. Bring your art supplies, set up your easels, and immerse yourself in creating artwork inspired by the surroundings. Artist Memorial Donation is $40.
Community Involvement
Spectators and community members are invited to watch the artists at work, share their own stories or memories and participate in a nature hike. No fee, donations will be accepted.
The community is invited to the Platte River Paint Out Art Showcase and Sale on Sunday, October 13th. The event will feature a nature hike at 10 am, art for sale from 1 pm -4pm from participating Nebraska artists, TLC Food Truck from 11 - 2 pm and live music with Myles Jasnowski from 2 - 4 pm.
Sunday Artist Showcase and Sale
After the artistic creations are complete, there will be an exhibition where the artwork will be displayed for the public to view and purchase on Sunday, October 13 from 1pm am to 4 pm at the Prairie Plains - Charles Whitney Education Center.
Artists and photographers are invited to sign up to participate in this event.
The event fee is a $40 flat fee. Includes a Bader Park Pass and participation in the Artist Showcase and Sale. Bader Park Guest Day Passes are $7.00 per vehicle. Gerloff Prairie is open to the public and has no fee.
Thursday, October 10 & 11 at Bader Park (898 Bader Park Rd, Chapman NE 69927)
Friday, October 12 & 13 at Prairie Plains Resource Institute's Gjerloff Prairie (2206 N M Rd, Marquette, NE 68854)
Thursday, October 10 - Bader Park
9:00 am check in
10:00 am
Guided hike of Bader Park by Bill Whitney, along with sharing background about the making of the book "Microcosm of the Platte" (Natural Area Guide). This hike will help artists select locations to paint or photograph.
Explore over 270 acres at Bader Park. There are river front trails along the Platte River, native prairies, and several fishing ponds. Bader Park open to sunset.
11:30 am - Pre-paid box lunches available for pick up at the park office. $12.50 - register for meals with your event ticket.
Friday, October 11 - Bader Park
Bader Park open from sunrise to sunset.
11:30 am - Pre-paid box lunches available for pick up at the park office. $12.50 - register for meals with your event ticket.
Saturday, October 12 - Prairie Plains Resource Institute - Gjerloff Prairie
10:00 am - Guided Nature Hike
11:30 am - Pre-paid box lunches available for pick up at the park office.
Sunday, October 13 - Prairie Plains Resource Institute - Gjerloff Prairie
Public will be invited.
FOOD TRUCK - TLC Food Truck 11 am - 2 pm
ART SHOW - 1 pm - 4 pm. Participating artists may show and sell their work at the Prairie Plains - Charles Whitney Education Center. No additional fee or commission. Table is provided.
LIVE MUSIC - Myles Jasnowski 2 pm - 4 pm
Lodging is available at The Leadership Center in Aurora. Bader Park and Gjerloff Prairie are about a 15 to 20 minute drive from Aurora.
Jana Van Housen loved the golden hour at Bader Park. Jana had the uncanny ability to discern the color, detail and texture in the beauty around her.
Jana discovered the beauty at Bader Park and was inspired to paint several paintings. The newest fishing pier at Bader Park has been named Sunset Pier in her honor. Jana was a member of Impact Nebraska Artists.
Ernie Ochsner’s favorite hiking and photography location was Gjerloff Prairie at Prairie Plains Resource Institute.
“Capturing with words, the nature and significance of what I do as an artist, is an unsettling exercise since words fix thoughts in time and can return to haunt you later in life. My work has evolved as have my perceptions of reality and the role of the artist in society. The abstract and expressionistic experiments of the 1960s and ’70s have slowly, at times painfully, given way to my present interest in landscape painting. Everything I do is grounded in past experiments but not restricted by them. The nature of my work has always been reflective of my search for meaning and purpose, a spiritual quest. The significance then of my art is connected to its ability to be successful both as a catalyst and signpost in this search.
There is an endless variety of possibilities, metaphors, and wisdom inherent in the natural and agricultural landscapes around us. The abstract and the concrete mingle in a constant interplay of light, color, line, and form, generating an endless source of images, ideas, and meanings. Here I’m able to seek endlessly, without weariness or repetition, and ask for no more.” — Ernest Ochsner